Restaurants in Aitutaki

There is  quite a few independant restaurants in Moorea, and there are many other dining establishments, within the many Resorts that are recommended, highly rated and reviewed.  You are welcome to eat in any of the Resort restaurants, other than the one you are staying in (reservations recommended), but if you fancy going somewhere different, here are a few that you can enjoy.  Some restaurants would recommend reservations, at others its not necessary.  The restaurants are very welcoming and are grateful for your patronage, especially the smaller establishments.  Some of the larger establishments take cards (usually only Visa and Mastercard, sometimes Maestro and French CB cards) and cash, but some of the smaller, locally-run cafes and snack trucks will only take cash. Some restaurants will offer a free shuttle or hotel pick up service, so always ask when you call them to make your reservations.


Some of these restaurants are included in the 'Dine Around the Island' Dining Experience Package (marked DATI), that is available when booking your Rarotonga or Aitutaki accommodation with us.  Please ask for more details of what the package includes.


The Rapae Bay Restaurant at the Pacific Resort Aitutaki (DATI)

Tamanu Beachfront Restaurant (DATI)

Boat Shed Bar & Grill (DATI)

Aitutaki Village Restaurant (DATI)

Koru Cafe (DATI)

Rumours Cafe (DATI)



Copyright Transpacific Holidays 2009. Greenmeads House, Dayseys Hill, Outwood, Surrey. RH1 5QY